Come and join us every Sunday morning at 10:30am, and every Sunday evening at 6:30pm
Christ Church is an Evangelical, Reformed Baptist, Congregational Church.
We are Christ’s Church – we belong to Jesus because He has called us and gathered us as a congregation. King Jesus is alive, and reigns and rules through His word. He is calling a people to Himself from all tribes, tongues and nations, and gathers them into local churches across the world.
We are Evangelical – we are all about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The Bible is God’s word about His Son Jesus Christ. We believe God speaks through His word, and so we preach and teach the Bible.
We are Reformed – we stand within the tradition of the historic creeds and confessions of the church, and the confessions or statements of faith from the Reformation and post Reformation eras. You can find out more about what we believe in our Statement of Faith.
We are a Baptist church – we believe the ordinance of baptism is for those who make a credible profession of faith in Christ as their Lord and saviour. Church membership is open to all who are baptised on profession of faith.
We are Congregational in Church Government – we believe Christ is enthroned in the midst of his congregation. He has given the local church all she needs for an ordered life of worship, discipleship and evangelism through the ministry of the word and the appointment of church officers as servants of the congregation. Through the ministry of His word, Christ directs the congregation by the suffrage of the members: in the appointment of elders and deacons; the admittance of believers in to membership; the exercise of Church discipline; and key decisions on the direction of church life and conduct. A copy of our church constitution is available on request.
Our Sunday services normally last around an hour and a half. The main focus of our time is reading and preaching from the Bible, because that is where God speaks to us, showing us who He is and how we can know Him through Jesus Christ. We then respond by praying, singing, and sharing communion together. If none of that makes sense to you, don’t worry: the person leading the service will explain what we do and why.
If you are not a Christian or are new to church, we would really love you to come along and join us. And there’s always plenty of time after the service to hang out, get to know each other, ask questions and have a coffee.
If you have any questions about Christ Church or Christianity in general, please contact us.